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ePrint Q & A - pg2

Can we brand our site?

ePrint is a GUI based, pleasing to the eye, easy to use system that looks like familiar on-line stores most people are used to shopping on. The store is given your unique corporate identity by deploying your logo and brand on every page. See the ePrint demo site home page as an example below:

ePrint Welcome Screen

How do I organize or list my items?

uses a “gallery” structure to organize the sites according to our clients’ requirements. The above example has 3 galleries (Stationery, Marketing Materials and HR Forms) broken down by product. It is also possible to create galleries by regional offices, departments, subsidiaries, locations or any other type of grouping that fits your current corporate needs. 

Can we control or monitor spending?

also provides a “gatekeeper” function that allows internal approval processes by either entire site or by specific galleries. A different gatekeeper can be assigned to each unique gallery if desired. A typical use of a gatekeeper would be to have an “executive gallery” containing “C” level employee items that would have a specific “gatekeeper” while all other galleries would be automatically approved upon order submission. ePrint provides maximum flexibility in meeting your internal approval requirements.

How is my order tracked through the Production Process?

Our system contains a sophisticated Production Tracking Module that allows us to track every item of every order and deliver real time information regarding the status of all orders. This tracking information is available directly to the individual end users.

This feature improves production efficiency, reduces delivery times, eliminates process errors and provides precise information 24/7. See an example of our Production Tracking Order Detail screen below:

ePrint Order Tracking Screen

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What our Clients think...
Megan, Just wanted to let you know that I got my newsletter on Friday! It looks great and was printed on much higher quality paper than it has been! Plus, it came in the mail a heck of a lot faster than when we were sending them out from VA! Thank you again. We'll definitely be using you guys in the future.

By Amy A. - Marketing Co-ordinator
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  3. Multi-Channel Marketing
  4. Clinical Trials
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