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ePrint Q & A

In addition, ePrint provides a detailed receipt and order confirmation email is sent out immediately after an order is submitted. This detail is permanently stored in the user specific Order History tab.

This provides for easy future re-orders and instantaneous retrieval of client usage information and easy receipt printing as needed. See example User Order History detail below:

ePrint Order History 

ePrint also integrates shipping with tracking numbers via FedEx, UPS or DHL utilizing your negotiated rates or ours so that the “net costs” of every transaction can be properly accounted for and charged back precisely to individual cost centers. 

No more putting shipping charges into a “big bucket” that is randomly allocated.

Are there reporting features?

The reporting features of ePrint are second to none. The reports are available to you 24/7 and do not require that you contact or wait for us to generate them for you.

You can literally produce a report with up to the second information 5 minutes prior to a meeting. All reports can easily be exported to Excel if desired. Also, Universal is able to submit detailed billing in any format including e-invoices based on any criteria you desire. 

What our Clients think...
I would recommend Universal to anyone who is looking for a local, knowledgeable, strong customer service oriented printing company who sets the standard with professional quality work.

By Anon - Business Owner
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