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UP tools | Technical Support

Having trouble with your files? One of these links might be able to help.

Design and Business Software...

Adobe Logo IconAdobe
Various Graphic Arts Software
Any of your Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop,and other Creative Suite questions can be answered here.
Microsoft Logo Icon
Various Business Software
The largest developer and supporter of office and business software in the world.

Operating Systems...

Windows Logo IconMicrosoft
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8
The largest developer and supporter of office and business software in the world.
Apple Logo IconApple
Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and earlier version
Leading developer of consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers.

Our Graphic Designers and Prepress Technicians work with a variety of software daily. If you have specific questions about preparing your files for an upcoming project with us, please contact any member of our Prepress Department at 919-361-5809, Ext. 133. For a current list of the software that we support, click here.
What our Clients think...
I am very satisfied........I know that I can be somewhat demanding and I really appreciate your understanding the time crunches we sometimes run into....... I am very satisfied with your handling of our account, trust me, you would know if I were not! I look forward to developing a long working relationship with you.

By Marilyn B. - Business Mngr
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@UPinfo UPinfo Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow for the Lead Awards!
- 4/8/2020 10:12 AM
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Covid-19 — Small business helping small business!
- 3/16/2020 11:27 AM
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