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Art Prints

Stunning Art Reproductions with UP Art Prints

Have your digital or original paintings, drawings and photography reproduced on quality stock by choosing Durham's #1 printing company! For 31 years, we have provided photographers, artists and collectors with beautiful prints in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and around the world. Our team will quickly work with you to get your job priced, artwork duplicated and delivered fast, and we stand behind our work with a 100% guarantee. Get in touch with one of our experienced Art Printing Specialists today, and see why we're The Triangle's favorite printer.

Product Options

  • Scan or professionally photograph your artwork
  • Prints in full color or black and white
  • Stock: Premium matte for watercolor prints, photo gloss, or canvas
  • Digital prints up to 13 x 19
  • Mutoh oversized prints up to 60" wide by 50 feet

Your Art Deserves the Royal Treatment

Have your artwork reproduced on quality stock, on our state-of-the-art Mutoh Inkjet printer in Durham, NC. Get stunningly accurate color printing, that does your artwork justice. We are proud to offer quality Reproductions at incredible prices.

We are printing professionals with 30+ years of experience, and making our customers look good is what’s important to us; please give us a call or submit your information to get help with your art prints, or a free estimate!


Mutoh gloss or matte paper - $6/sqft
Mutoh canvas - $8/sqft
Any house stock: 80# coated/uncoated text or cover, 100# coated/uncoated text or cover, 129# Hannoart silk cover - $1.39/ea + $7.50 flat charge for cutting
Scanning - $75/hr with a $18.75 minimum for originals up to a max size of 13 x 19 only 
Proof - $7.50/ea
$25 minimum for all jobs
Prices are for print ready files (PDF with crop/bleeds)
Additional art charges - $75/hour

Read what Universal Printing Customers are saying about their Custom Printed Artwork

“I just want to say thanks for the speedy print job. I must say, the quality is outstanding, and your staff was so helpful. Not only was my print perfection, but Universal took the guesswork out of my first time order. I will definitely use your service again”

-John J. Graphic Designer
What our Clients think...
With Universal, we just give them our project specifications and time-line, and they do the rest. It’s almost too easy! Their experience in our industry makes them so much more than just a vendor; they really are a partner and always make us look great with our clients!

By Dawn, Project Manager - Global CRO
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- 3/16/2020 11:27 AM
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