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UP tools | Envelope Sizes | Commercial

Envelope Icon Commercial and Official Envelopes window env icon


Enclosure Dimensions*

   6 x 31/2   IDD icon 
53/4 x 33/8

   61/2 x 35/8   IDD icon 
61/4 x 31/2

   63/4 x 33/4   IDD icon 
61/2 x 31/2

   71/2 x 37/8   IDD icon 
71/4 x 33/4

   71/2 x 37/8   IDD icon 
71/4 x 33/4

   85/8 x 35/8   IDD icon 
83/8 x 31/2

   87/8 x 37/8   IDD icon 
85/8 x 31/4

   91/2 x 41/8   IDD icon 
91/4 x 4

   103/8 x 41/2   IDD icon 
101/8 x 41/4

   11 x 43/4   IDD icon 
123/4 x 41/2

   111/2 x 5   IDD icon 
111/4 x 43/4

IDD icon  Denotes that an InDesign CS4 template may be downloaded

*Note: If the enclosure is unusually bulky, the envelope may need to be the next larger standard size.

The three highlighted items are standard Envelope & Card Sizes.
What our Clients think...
Hey Terri. Just wanted to send a very special thank you for another job well done. This batch of cards was really important, because a large number of them will be going into a new chain. Very important to give a good first impression. These cards are ones I can be proud to offer, and I’m so grateful to you for going the extra mile to always make sure they look their best. Thanks to Michelle too, I’m sure she also plays a big role in keeping the quality high. Again, many thanks

By Kevin C. - Professional Photographer
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