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UP tools | Envelope Sizes | Catalog & Booklet

Catalog Icon Catalog Envelopes     Booklet Icon Booklet Envelopes

The difference between catalog envelopes and booklet envelopes is that catalog envelopes open on the short side, while booklet envelopes open on the long side.
Enclosure Dimensions*
3 Booklet   61/2 x 43/4   InDesign Icon6 x 41/2
5 Booklet   81/8 x 51/2   InDesign Icon75/8 x 51/4
6 Booklet   87/8 x 53/4   InDesign Icon83/8 x 51/2
61/2 Booklet (#1 Catalog)   9 x 6   InDesign Icon81/2 x 53/4
63/4 Booklet (#11/2 Catalog)   91/2 x 61/2   InDesign Icon9 x 61/4
71/4 Booklet (#3 Catalog)   10 x 7   InDesign Icon91/2 x 63/4
71/2 Booklet (#6 Catalog)   101/2 x 71/2   InDesign Icon10 x 71/4
#93/4 Catalog111/4 x 83/411 x 81/2
9 Booklet   111/2 x 83/4   InDesign Icon11 x 81/2
91/2 Booklet (#101/2 Catalog)   12 x 9   InDesign Icon111/2 x 83/4
#121/2 Catalog121/2 x 91/212 x 91/4
10 Booklet   125/8 x 91/2   InDesign Icon121/8 x 91/4
13 Booklet (#131/2 Catalog)   13 x 10   InDesign Icon121/2 x 93/4
#141/2 Catalog141/2 x 111/214 x 111/4
#15 Catalog15 x 10141/2 x 93/4
#151/2 Catalog151/2 x 1215 x 113/4

InDesign Icon  Denotes that an InDesign CS4 template may be downloaded

*Note: If the enclosure is unusually bulky, the envelope may need to be the next larger standard size.
What our Clients think...
Patrick, Thank you for the great meeting that you and Delma held this morning. I have chatted with Delma and she is pleased that you and the Universal staff have confirmed the corrections and that the book is in the process of being printed. Thanks again for your cooperative spirit. I have been highly impressed with your customer service.

By Eddie D.- Retail Customer
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