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What is the Benefit of using a Landing Page?

The Landing Page personalizes the customer experience and graphically reinforces the message of the printed and email piece. It also sets the stage for achieving the following 3 desired outcomes of every campaign:

  1. Dynamically personalize offers and content provided to prospects, surpassing the static nature of stand-alone printed direct marketing;
  2. Capture and analyze campaign results in real time, modifying campaign attributes as needed to increase response instead of waiting weeks or months for campaign results; and
  3. Execute highly targeted follow-up email campaigns to drive additional response or initiate the sales process, thus cost effectively continuing prospect interaction

The Survey Page. What is it and how it works?

The Survey Page allows you to gather specific information from your clients regarding the campaign you are conduction and it’s relevance to your client. The content and images of subsequent pages in the campaign can be customized based on the responses provided in the survey!

There are three main sections to the Survey Page:

  1. The Message/Instructions section is text that appears at the top of the Survey Page and generally instructs the respondent to answer the Survey questions.
  2. The Survey Questions are found directly below the message/instructions section. These are the meat of the Survey Page. The Survey Questions are comprised of a series of questions and their answers of various types (e.g. radio, check-box, text area, etc.).
  3. The Submit button is the image or button that allows the respondent to move from the Survey Page to the next page (usually the Update Profile Page).

More about Update and Thank You Pages  > 

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I am so impressed with Universal. They always manage to get our projects out the door On Time, no matter how behind we are!

By V.C. Project Manager - Global CRO
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